- Edgeverve hiring freshers for the role of product developer, if yoy are intrested in this u can go through the complete details regarding the job, salary,job role, location, skills required,,eligibility criteria etc….
- Apply and grab the good job opportunity for freshers with good salary package.
About company :
- Edgeverve company is an owned subsidiary of Infosys, is a global leader in AI and Automation, assisting clients thrive in their digital transformation journey.
About role :
- Product developer helps create new products or improve existing ones, helps the company effectively meet consumer’s needs.
Edgeverve recruitment :
- Company : edgeverve (infosys)
- Role : product developer
- Salary : upto 6.5LPA
- Location : banglore, chennai
- Experience : freshers
- Batch :2022-2020
- Degree : B. Tech /B. E/MCA/MS
- Industry : IT
- Type : full time
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Preffered skills :
- Java
- C++
- C
- Python
Other key skills :
- Core java
- Advance java
- System engineering
- . Net
- ASP . Net
- Machine learning
- Sql
Eligiblity criteria :
- Graduate B. tech/B. E /MCA all branches
- B. Tech /B. E in any specialization MS/M. SC(Science) in Computers, M. Tech in Electronics /Telecommunication, Computers, MCA in Any Specialization
- Year of passing 2022/2021/2020
- Assessment type :coding challenges through hacker rank.
What you will do :
- The incumbent will be part of the Finacle product development team and should bring some programming skills using C/C++/java
- Should have strong skills in software design and development evidenced by strong grasp of complex data structures,algorithm and design patterns, etc..
- It includes in developing quality codes, provides inputs to technical documentation, tracks.
- Good at logical nad analytical problem sloving skills.
- Open to learn new technologies candidates should have good communication skills and ability to work independently /Collaboratively.
I hope you have successfully applied for the above job role, if you find any difficulties in applying pls let us know in the comment section
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