List of IETLS Questions & Answers Part-1

IELTS Question & Answers

Here are the some of IELTS part 1 questions with there answers. In these same way u need to speak every question.

Please describe your home town a little ?

Where do I begin? My hometown is marvelous. It was the heart of (the center of) the Inca Empire, and is home many ancient Inca ruins, especially Machu Picchu. It lies at 3,100 meters up in the mountains. You can do a lot of trekking, site seeing, visit incredible natural landscapes, etc. It’s a perfect mixture of the ancient and modern world.

How long have u been living there?

I was born and raised in Cusco. I’ve lived there for my entire life, except for when I went to Lima, the capital city, to study my Bachelor’s Degree. After that, I needed to escape the hustle and bustle (noise from a big city) and come back to my lovely town.

What do u like most about your home town ?

I love that it’s a mix between the ancient and modern world. Furthermore, I like the mix of the indigenous (native people) and Spanish influence. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking in the shoes of the Incas. Furthermore, there is definitely a warm, friendly feel to the town which makes it a pleasant place to

Would u like to live there in the future?

Although my city is magical, I would consider moving somewhere else in the world. I think sometimes people become too accustomed to (used to) their daily routine. So, perhaps when and if I have a family, I would consider moving to another country in South America or to Spain. It would be our adventure!

Describe your education ?

I’m on a 5 year study plan, so I’ll finish in 2 years. Next year, I’ll begin my internship at a clinic for substance addicts. I really look forward to that hands on experience. After my Bachelor’s, I plan to go onto my Master’s, perhaps even my PhD.

What did you choose to study that major ?

As I’ve always been fascinated by how the mind works, I felt that Psychology was the ideal field of study for me. Furthermore, I believe I have wonderful interpersonal skills and can easily connect and empathize with others, making me the perfect fit.

What was the favourite subject as a child ?

I’ve always loved Art because it helps me relax and well, I’m quite good at it. After all the strenuous hours of book work in the other classes, it was always a relief for me to come to my canvas. I feel that Art is an incredible outlet (a way to express feelings) for me.

Are u looking forward to working?

Absolutely! I cannot wait to put into effect what I’ve been learning for years now. I’m eager to help people with the psychological struggles that they face. I believe I can make a difference in the world.

Do u like the city you are living in now ?

Yes, I really enjoy ABC city. Although it’s quite hectic, I love the liveliness of it. Apart from this, I think it’s exciting since it is developing at a rapid pace (quickly) and I love the international environment. This city never sleeps!

Witch city have u been to recently ?

I recently visited Bangkok for a short holiday. I had about 3 days free, so I went there to visit the floating market, palaces, Buddhist temples, and vibrant city center.

Do u prefer the city or the country side ?

I would say I’m definitely a city person. I enjoy the hustle and bustle (craziness) of city life, along with the endless opportunities to meet new people from all over. I feel too limited in the countryside, not to mention I’m terrified of critters (small animals, like spiders, etc).

What kind of city your like ?

A mix of modern and old. I like when there is an old historic quarter, but also a district with skyscrapers and a more futuristic look. Moreover, I require a city with friendly people and smiles- I couldn’t live in fast-paced, robotic (people moving so fast that they don’t have any expression) place like New York City for example.

Have you ever lived in the country side ?

Yes, I was born there! I grew up in the countryside. Actually, my backyard was a cornfield and some people even used to drive to my high school in tractors! Running around barefoot (without shoes) in the mud and frolicking around (running) open fields has always been a part of my life.

What do you like to do in country side ?

Firstly, I like the outdoor activities, such as playing outside, gardening, going for walks and hikes, and going swimming. Secondly, I love the time I have to self- reflect and find deep relaxation. Sometimes I even like to do meditation or yoga in a field.

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